You first offer 3 brief steps to start quick and get to work just like that;
Visit Vision Checkup
Visit Wisdom Vaccine
Enjoy as much Wise Coffee as possible.
And you further explain in detail in 23 steps;
1. You prepare an agenda to review, and offer it for free in 2 pages long pdf format, along with a couple of side docs and some links to take a look. On the side you offer them the first of its kind social intellectual wisdom vaccine, too, which is in the shape of a workbook, if they actually prefer a solid workbook to think and write compact.
2. You ask people to think and write their evaluations under each article where each article is at the same time serving as a building block of a vision. You tell them all they write are only theirs to keep, they don’t have to share, and they can customize both the scope and the scale of the checkup freely. That’s to say they can just keep it individual or do it as a community, as a country, as humanity, as galaxy, etc. (Oh wait, they may be asked to share the outcomes of their positive vocabulary workshops and their favorite environmental NGOs.)
3. You tell them this Vision Checkup can be considered a personal SWOT analysis, too, for their intellect, and ask them to analyse a problem and/or a solution, and/or just a situation, under each article, if they want to further test their intellect. You leave them all free re what they’d love to do under each article; Even art! From app design to start to write a book, anything.
4. You ask them to connect each problem or solution or situation to each article, in order to realize the background network of the problem/solution/situation, at the same time identify the building blocks of a problem/solution/situation. You tell them they should really feel free, that’s to say they can even connect a letter, a word, a text, an art piece, anything, to each article.
5. You ask them to connect ‘Sustainability’ to each article because all this is part of the Star Sustainability Matrix and they should not get lost in the matrix.
6. You ask them to design their +MODE, like their better version, how they would like to be, how they would like others to be. You tell them this +MODE is way sophisticated format of new year resolutions forgotten about on January 2nd.
7. You ask them to design a +MODE for anything.
8. You ask them to design a Renaissance 4.0
9. Finally you tell them ‘Hey, let’s compare our designs!’. You also tell them consider Oz will be holding an AMA tour but he wants them to study the whole scope first then write down all their questions during Vision Checkup because one of the ultimate goal of the process is to maximize our Wisdom Footprint and minimize the carbon, so everything and everybody has to serve the purpose.
10. You tell them they will be the founding vision partners of an excellent network with world changing wise mindset at work 100%.
11. You do all above for free.
12. You tell them if they want to pay it is 1 YLE (Your Local Exchange) and they can pay with Wise Coffee. They may say ‘What? Wise Coffee? What is it?’ In that case repeat what you said: W i s e C o f f e e, you’ll see.
13. You tell them they can also buy Wise Coffee to their friends, colleagues, fans, to their whole network, to everyone everywhere. We buy each other various presents or drinks when we meet so it is now time to make a wise change and buy a vision, a new agenda to cover together, a global Vision Checkup session! Wise Coffee stands for GLOBAL Vision Checkup so the more the merrier! In fact the most the merriest!
14. You give them the link to Wise Coffee and you sincerely thank them for their solid cooperation for a wiser future. You tell them to enjoy as many cups of Wise Coffee as possible simply because it is the only place to invest where in return they can get the ultimate with only 1 YLE (Your Local Exchange; USD, Euro, Pound, Lira, etc.)
15. You tell them there are tons of details and specifics amounting to infinite and we’ll come to every bit of it but we can’t unless we start the Vision Checkup which actually started but your involvement is highly desired to ensure the most the merriest.
16. You tell them all this is rising on 23 years long R&D&A (Apply) so they should be a bit patient to grasp it all, and this plug ’n play Vision Checkup is both everything in a nutshell and pretty much the ultimate outcome also serving as an invitation to step into YNIVERSE which will be followed by YNIVERSITY where they will be able to share the contents they prepared and 5B checked during Vision Checkup. Still if they would prefer to hear an elevator pitch kind of a phrase this may do the job: YNI, Your New Inspiration, Your New Imagination, Your New Intelligence, Your New Ism. You Name It! At its heart is the first ever global Vision Checkup session surrounded with new and multi level entrepreneurial initiatives that will help everyone embody the YNIVERSE to construct the YNIVERSITY where +MODE entrepreneurship is key. You can show a couple of visuals, too, to complete your YNI pitch.
17. You tell them “Now look, in worst case scenario we’ll say –nice try. But with a productive Vision Checkup mindset ‘ON’ and at the summit in our pockets! Oops, in our brains.”
18. You tell them if they cooperate they should consider it done, the Global Vision Checkup, done deal.
19. You tell them in life there are moments they gotto be little bit coachable so this may be one of them. Global warming is about to turn to global burning so we’d better consider everything and power up every single hope on all ends that may lead the way to outstanding and surprise outcomes. If the problems are deep, solutions have to be deeper and have to come as a pack with different perspectives + visions + actions embedded. So maybe this is that pack they’ve been longing for.
20. You tell them they should feel free to coach you, too, during the processes. Because all this is a teaching/learning process at the same time and there is a lot we’ll learn from each other in order to make it to the fully functional YNIVERSITY.
21. You tell them this is the only way to make it to YNIVERSITY, or to any other wise and compulsory destination.
22. You ask them whether they want to make it to new horizons and/or summits, at least new wise perspectives enriching their visions and actions. You ask ‘What’s your problem?’ if they don’t behave. Tell them, if they behave, first of its kind social intellectual wisdom vaccine in the shape of a workbook will be published in all languages of the United Nations member states. But only if they behave.
23. You tell them the Yellowball Coach is kinda obsessed with YOU and has performed such initiatives, at comparably smaller scales, many times in the past so they should not worry about the overall implementation and management of the process; in fact the process is already done deal in his head which, the mindset endorsed by both AI and NI, already thought and designed the action plan of the aftermath of the Vision Checkup consisting of all the stages from mottoYOU to YNIVERSITY. YOU made it to the summit in 23 years. Now it is your very turn to catch up with YOU.
mottoYOU: Get involved, YOU can change the world. Especially when you have such a well defined and inclusive roadmap handy, you gotto get involved!
Vision Checkup | Wisdom Vaccine | Wise Coffee
PS: Above roadmap, at the same time, is pretty much the only way to set OZGURISM free but surrounded with 5B!