I wrote this piece in April 2020. During pandemia, lockdown, etc.
Here is a quick summary of how YOU can initiate - foresee - manage - think about 'change in progress' in the simplest form, while you are at home.
Also my must perspective, to recap, for our common future and the humanity, in order to help transform from thought of change to action of change.
Also since nowadays 'change' is talked of a lot by all means but without a solid offer for how and in what way...
• Needless to say my notes are not criticizing any practice or anybody but just some humble reviews for the general situation that has to be analyzed by everyone for the general case get better -in general. At least slightly better...
My notes below can also help with making more productive readings, to gain in return, more solid and actionable and sustainable outcomes that would lead to more conscious and continuous use for everybody including, as well, those who are not reading.
Maybe it is time to write rather than read. If you are writing already that's great. Write about what we have learnt so far from out of everything we have 'read, heard, saw, talked, learnt, experienced, thought, been taught'.
{Let's call this set1.}
Write, what specific, and solid outcomes {set2} we got and how and at what level we applied them in real life and what problems we solved (temporarily/permanently) with it.
Is the problem actually solved? Write what kind of cornerstones they became, if they did, and how they served at micro and macro level. Define your micro and macro. Define their relation. How macro is your macro? Or did they just help you 'normalize' and get more comfortable and settle better in the framework of a 'normal' everyday status of a lifetime you are trying to catch up and comfortably fit in? Define that status. Write whether, and when, you forgot to apply what you learnt, how long after you read or learnt it.
Write what they (set1 and set2) changed in other people's lives. Write whether they helped with a better and great now and common future for the humanity along with personal individual future, if yes how, if not why not.
Write what kind of a methodology you are following to make the best out of set1 and add to set2. Are you following any system - would you recommend it to other people? Write whether it worked well so far and whether set 2 from out of your set1 is just great, significant, convincing, fully satisfying and sustainable.
Maybe it is time to read our mind and our soul and our potential, too, first, thoroughly, from a new angle and also write during the process while trying to discover just one step ahead, or far beyond, before we further delay, to ensure no single critical potential is neglected in any way but continuously kept at their maximum active turned on status.
Maybe it is time to open a parenthesis and insert a new vision, a new angle, a new point of view, and then close the parenthesis if you want, or if you can, and continue accordingly.
Writing along the way is essential.
Maybe it's been ages since we got out of the caves but perhaps we apparently left our full potential behind on the stone coffee table. Or maybe the cave couldn't stand the farewell and sneaked into our brains and visions. Or maybe the cave changed form, and got bigger, comfortable and more luxurious and we call it progress along with some other comfort zone comforting comfortable comfortings.
Last but not least...maybe it is time to write what we are really doing and what we are going to do with set1, review set2, determine -and write- what is in them for other people and for our common future, and how (whether) it can evolve to a unique and tangible and practical vision {What is your present vision? Can you briefly describe it, can you do better than how you've been doing?} which can set an example or a model for yourself and for others.
Then write our own book simply by bringing these notes together, and including some extra paragraphs about what we understand from various expressions like,
common future,
growth, etc,
and continue, together, more enlightened more conscious more 'solid intention and solid/productive result' oriented towards wherever we are going, wherever we want to arrive as humanity.
Bla bla bla re in order to be able to come to that point where our outlook and agenda will be enhanced at maximum allowing us do more perfect as individuals, as community, and most importantly, as humanity... only then we should feel truly and comfortably content with all our successes and with our agenda (complete set of what we are thinking speaking writing doing etc) without a question mark.
Last but no least, without writing, no progress happens. If you want change, you have to write.